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How to Become a YouTube Influencer

Influencers are opinion leaders, that is, people with great credibility on a particular topic. Due to their reach in social networks, they can become promoters of a brand thanks to their great ability to attract people to try a product or service. If you are looking to become a successful YouTube influencer, this article is for you.

They are characterized by having a very high engagement (the level of commitment that the audience has to the figure or brand) with the community they create. In addition, their followers see themselves reflected in them and perceive them as genuine peers, and this drives the value placed on their words.

These social media figures, having thousands or millions of followers, have become recognized voices on almost all topics, so much so that they are already an important part of a digital storytelling strategy. Let's learn more about influencers with YTR Hub and become one.

What is an influencer?

Influencers are the stars of the web and social networks. They can be YouTubers, bloggers, or even Instagram and are generally specialized in a field (ex: gaming influencers/beauty influencers/sports influencers/menswear influencers/travel influencers…).

Most of the time, they share their passion with Internet users through posts or videos. Their goal? Acquire more and more followers to expand their community and generate profits. These people, like everyone else at the start, managed to find a place for themselves on the Web and conquer Internet users. For this, they have developed their e-reputation to arouse the envy of the general public. All their activities are abundantly liked, commented and shared. These characteristics are common to all influencers, but there are still different types of influencers. here is the top 100 storyteller hackathon.

What is an influencer on YouTube?

A YouTuber is a blogger dedicated to managing a network with audio-visual content within YouTube. This means that not everyone who posts content on YouTube is a YouTuber. A YouTuber spends time developing and editing content and periodically updating their profile within the platform.

That said, it is much easier to distinguish between someone who posts content sporadically and does it frequently.

YouTubers choose this platform, since the content they want to broadcast is aimed at a specific audience, is reproducible from different devices, can be found through organic search, and has the ability to go viral and generate an even larger audience.

How to become a YouTube influencer?

Becoming a YouTube influencer requires a combination of creating engaging and high-quality content, building and maintaining a strong online presence, and consistently growing your audience. Here are some steps you can take to become a Youtuber and get paid:

Define your niche: Determine the type of content you want to create and the audience you want to reach. This will help you focus your efforts and create content that resonates with your target audience.

Create a YouTube channel: Set up a YouTube channel and start creating and uploading content. Make sure to optimize your channel for discoverability by using relevant tags and descriptions, and consider creating a channel trailer to give viewers a sense of what they can expect from your content.

Promote your channel: Share your videos on social media and other online platforms to reach a wider audience. Engage with your viewers by responding to comments and encouraging them to share your content.

Collaborate with other creators: Partnering with other creators can help you reach a new audience and create new content. Look for creators in your niche who have a similar style or target audience and reach out to them about collaborating on a video.

Consistency is key: To build and maintain a strong audience, it's important to consistently create and upload new content. Plan out your content calendar and try to stick to a regular posting schedule.

Remember, becoming a YouTube influencer takes time and dedication. It may take several months or even years before you start to see significant growth in your audience. However, by consistently creating high-quality content and actively promoting your channel, you can build a loyal following and become a successful YouTube influencer.

How to begin creating original YouTube content?

To begin creating original content for YouTube, follow these steps:

Define your niche: Determine the type of content you want to create and the audience you want to reach. This will help you focus your efforts and create content that resonates with your target audience.

Create a YouTube channel: Set up a YouTube channel and start creating and uploading content. Make sure to optimize your channel for discoverability by using relevant tags and descriptions, and consider creating a channel trailer to give viewers a sense of what they can expect from your content.

Plan your content: Create a content calendar to help you plan out your videos and stay organized. Consider what types of videos you want to create (e.g. vlogs, tutorials, reviews, etc.), and how often you want to upload new content.

Gather equipment: You'll need some basic equipment and material to create high-quality videos, including a camera, microphone, and lighting. You can start with a smartphone or basic camera, but as you grow your channel, you may want to invest in more professional equipment.

Start creating: Begin creating and uploading content to your YouTube channel. Remember to focus on creating high-quality content that engages your audience and provides value.

Promote your content: Share your videos on social media and other online platforms to reach a wider audience. Engage with your viewers by responding to comments and encouraging them to share your content.

Remember, it takes time and dedication to build a successful YouTube channel. Don't be discouraged if you don't see immediate results – keep creating and promoting your content with engaging thumbnails, and you'll eventually start to see growth in your audience.

Top Indian highest-paid YouTube influencers

There are many highest-paid YouTube influencers in India who have built large and loyal followings through their content. Some of the top Indian YouTube influencers include:

  1. CarryMinati: CarryMinati, whose real name is Ajey Nagar, is a popular content creator who focuses on gaming, commentary, and comedy. He has over 26 million subscribers on his YouTube channel.
  2. BB Ki Vines: BB Ki Vines, whose real name is Bhuvan Bam, is a popular comedian and content creator who has over 20 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. He is known for his comedic skits and parodies.
  3. Amit Bhadana: Amit Bhadana is a popular content creator who has over 24 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. He is known for his comedy sketches, vlogs, and social commentary.
  4. Ashish Chanchlani: Ashish Chanchlani is a popular content creator who has over 25 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. He is known for his comedy sketches and parodies.
  5. Sandeep Maheshwari: Sandeep Maheshwari is a motivational speaker and entrepreneur who has over 18 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. He is known for his motivational videos and lectures on personal development and entrepreneurship.

These are just a few examples of the many successful YouTube fashion influencers in India. There are many other talented creators in a variety of niches who have built large followings on the platform.

How to make money as a YouTube influencer?

If you're looking for new ways to generate extra YouTube influencers' income, making videos on YouTube is a solid alternative that's still going strong. These are the most proven formulas to monetize YouTube:

Become a YouTube partner and create ads

To enjoy YouTube monetization options you need to set up your account as a partner. It's very easy, go to the YouTube Studio section, click on Monetization and meet the requirements for your application as a partner. All YouTubers can monetize, but they must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of content.

Sell products on your YouTube channel

Another common monetization method is selling products or merchandise online. You will take the bond with your followers to another level. The products can be t-shirts, mugs, bags, caps, and all the merchandising you can imagine.

Generate YouTube influencers income through affiliate marketing

Through affiliate marketing, you will receive a commission for each user who makes a purchase thanks to your channel through a unique link or promotional code of a brand.


It is a way to collect money to finance new businesses, projects, and ideas through online platforms and social networks. Unlike traditional (centralized) bank financing, in crowdfunding, the investment can come from several sums of money made by a large number of people or investors.

In conclusion

To summarize, if one decides to count the points. YTR Hub is the synonym of entertainment that can launch your channel in the first few months without necessarily having to spend hours or days on it. Being a young actor or director can be a good way to fill your non-working days with a job that can eventually serve as your business card later.