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The 4 Best Free Online Courses to Learn Python for Beginners

Do you want to code your first application but you are lost? Python seems more suitable for beginners in programming. Indeed, it is a very good choice for beginners, thanks to its simplicity and its essential efficiency, you will find few difficulties when programming your first application.

Python is the best language to start with if you are looking to enter the world of programming. There's a strong reason why 70% of introductory free programming courses to teach Python at universities!

In this article, we will justify why Python is the best programming language to adopt for your first application by citing the advantages and disadvantages of the latter in all objectivity! We will also talk about the prerequisites needed to start coding your application and finally give you some golden rules before you leave!

Python - The Best Choice for Developing your First Application

Programming is a bit of a complicated concept at first but Python makes it easy. It is one of the most popular programming languages ​​for beginners and experts. Most developers admit to having started learning Python and then other languages ​​like Java or C which are much more complex. We can assure you that the learning curve for this language is progressing slowly but surely, especially if you are new to programming.

It is very common for people learning to program for the first time to be disappointed and discouraged by the learning curve. Everyone experiences difficulties at first. It is extremely difficult to grasp the concept of programming and the nuances of a language from the outset. This is why we suggest that it is important to choose a language like Python to minimize its learning time in order to avoid any frustration that could cause you to give up programming!

Advantages of Python

Easy to read and write - Python's syntax is very close to natural language. This is one of the best reasons why Python should be the first language you should learn! It is a high-level language, which means that the code is abstracted from the machine-level language. Generally, low-level languages ​​are the complete opposite of high-level programming languages. Thus, the higher the level of the language, the easier it is for humans to read and understand it better. It is much more difficult to understand a code that only contains symbols and numbers. On the other hand, code that looks a lot like natural language is usually easier to understand.

To be clear, would you rather learn a language that only contains numbers and symbols, rather than one that associates you with natural language?

Indentation Concept:

  • This rule teaches you to keep your code clean and trust us, it becomes a habit sooner or later.
  • The worst thing a programmer can go through is chasing a “dirty coding” programmer's project. You will waste a day or a week understanding the purpose and objectives of the code.
  • Python enforces white space rules. To be clear, white spaces represent the space between lines of code to be executed. Most languages ​​allow the existence of white space, but Python is not one of them.
  • The white space rules that Python requires, force the code to be properly indented and more organized. For beginners, understanding and practicing coding with Python is much easier when you are able to work with clean, structured code.

Language Popularity:

  • Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, and Big Data are among the trends in the IT world right now, helping a lot of organizations transform and improve their processes and workflows.
  • Python is the second most widely used tool after R for science and data analysis. Many data processing workloads in the organization are thus powered by python language only. Most research and development is therefore done in the python language because of its many applications, including the ease of analyzing and organizing usable data.
  • Not only that, but hundreds of Python libraries are used in thousands of machine learning projects every day, such as TensorFlow for neural networks and OpenCV for computer vision, etc.

Community and Documentation:

  • The community, the documentation as well as the tutorials are essential to each programming language. The popularity of Python ensures that this language has massive support from the programming community as well as extensive documentation. You can learn Python easily and everywhere! For example, there are YouTube channels specifically dedicated to learning the Python language. We also find an infinity of tutorials on the Internet to learn Python quickly. You can therefore refer to the range of Python tutorials that we offer on our platform
  • Being resourceful is the key to being a good programmer. Once you start working, you will find that you are going to run into problems with a considerable level of difficulty! With some research skills, you will find the solution in a short time.
  • We have selected the 4 best free online python courses for beginners. Programming is becoming increasingly important, and not just for IT professionals. There are so many programming languages ​​that it is sometimes difficult to know what to learn and where to find this new knowledge.


YTRHub is Here to Guide You!


1. Code Academy

Ready to become a Python expert? Code Academy is the ideal site to get started. Their explanations are clear and complete. This is the perfect website to build yourself a solid foundation on, so don't hesitate to start there.


2. Coursera

Universities like Stanford, Yale, ESSEC Business School and Lausanne but also companies like Google shared their course materials. An important detail: everything is free on this website. However, if you want to obtain certifications, these are paid for (depending on the type of certification). Note that this is not mandatory.


3. Udacity

Udacity collaborates with world-renowned companies such as Facebook, Amazon, IBM or Google and offers nano-degrees as well as the best free python course. It is undoubtedly a great tool if you want to advance your career.


4. Tutsplus

Tutsplus offers a huge amount of python online courses free and the tutorials are free. Courses and e-books are offered on a subscription basis, ranging from 15 euros per month to 180 euros per year.

If you want to learn more, or if you're looking for a new challenge in Python programming, take a look at our latest job opportunities and stay tuned!



There are many reasons why Python should be the first language you learn. Due to its simplicity and user-friendliness, it is the best language for a programming beginner. You can also have significant achievements with Python: developing a website, analyzing and working with big data, or using it for machine learning. Not to mention, there is no need to remind you that Python is one of the most popular languages ​​in the world and it is also a pretty safe career to follow.

Now, dear readers, you are ready to start the first python mastery course! Let the adventure begin.